The Beauty of Backlinks

The Beauty of Backlinks

The Beauty of Backlinks

Backlinks are links to your website from other websites. They’re important because they can send traffic to your site and influence its organic visibility in search engines. That means they are vital in search engine optimisation (SEO).

The websites you get backlinks from share a “vote of confidence” with your website. If the linking source is not credible or trustworthy (e.g. you buy them), any connection with it will do you more harm than good.

Want to see your site’s backlinks?
Go to the “Links” report in Google Search Console.

Backlinks are important because they can send traffic to your website and influence its organic visibility in search engines.

Your main priority should be making sure the backlinks you get are white-hat links and have the following characteristics:

    • Link with credible websites to ensure you stay in favour with the search engines.
    • Links from relevant sources that are topic-related and valuable for the reader.
    • Get a variety of high-quality, unique links.

4 things to do next…

      1. Claim your Marketing Audit to discover if you could improve your marketing.
      2. Share this article on LinkedIn. Sharing quality content increases your visibility and credibility within your contacts. Create conversations and the potential of new business.
      3. Turn your marketing from stressful into SUCCESSFUL! Join our newsletter for your chance to get essential marketing tips, tricks and advice delivered directly to your inbox.  
      4. Download 10 Powerful Ways to Help You WIN More Clients, your free guide packed with tips to help you improve your marketing and WIN more customers.

Does your website need to work harder?

With a joined-up website, you can ensure the customer journey flows from start to finish and provides you with increased lead opportunities from your preferred buyer.

Do you want to provide your potential and valuable customers with content they will be interested in?

Identify where your content is lacking and make adjustments to optimise your SEO and site stickiness.

Where do you start with marketing?

Don’t let the challenges of modern marketing slow your business growth down. You can grow your business and reach your potential preferred buyer when your marketing strategy is on point.



A freelance marketing specialist Michelle helps small businesses, SMEs and entrepreneurs maximise their marketing strategy to promote customer acquisition and retention. She has 20 years experience working in marketing and design and has won a few awards along the way. She is trained by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), a Member of the CIM and a Certified Practitioner in the Watertight Marketing Community.